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At our next meeting on Monday, April 13th, 1998, 7:30pm sharp
QMUG/LA is proud and excited to present

Employment Opportunities for the Macintosh Advantaged”

a panel presentation by just a few of the many companies here in Los Angeles who actively seek out Mac-savvy individuals; *Bring* *Your* *Résumé*! You won’t want to miss out on this meeting!

at the L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center at 1625 N Schrader,
just east of Highland Ave and south of Hollywood Blvd.

You say you already have a job? Do you *like* it? Well, hey(!), when’s the best time to look for a job? When you already have one! You say you need a job? Well, hey(!), you’re in luck! We might just have one for you! MacTemps, AppleOne and others will let you know what MacJobs are out there.


And Make Note On Your Qalendars!

Monday, March 9th, we received a “Duos and Duo parts for sale” piece of e-mail. If you want or need a Duo or Duo part, this may be an excellent opportunity to get it.

Friday to Sunday, April 10th to May 10th, Georgia Tech sponsors its Ninth WWW User Survey. What’s really cool about this is it also surveys people’s orientation! Last year’s results are still available, while this year’s will be available after Wednesday, July 15th.

Wednesday, April 15th, is the last day to file your taxes! Pick up your forms from your local library or post office, and don’t hesitate to call the IRS for help at 1-800-829-1040.

Friday to Sunday, April 17th-19th, the LA Rodeo & Country Fair happens at the Hansen Dam Equestrian Center — Yeehaw! Admission is $15. For more information, call them at (562) 498-1675.

Tuesday, April 21st, 7pm, PFLAG presents Betty DeGeneres at the Westside Methodist Community Church at 10497 Wilshire Blvd. Admission is free. For more information, call them at (310) 472-8952.

Wednesday, April 22nd, the world honors Earth Day, an international grassroots event since 1970 to show that we care about the environment. Look for Earth Day events near you!

Thursday, April 23rd, Southern California participates in its 4th annual “Dining Out For Life,” so a percentage of your dining dollars can benefit Aid for AIDS. For more information, call Aid for AIDS at (818) 313-STAR/7827.

Saturday, April 25th, 6pm-11pm, APLA sponsors its 10th annual AIDS Dance-a-thon at Universal Studios Hollywood, w/ celebrity hosts & live performances! For more information, call AIDS Project Los Angeles at (213) 466-DANCE/3262.

Saturday, April 25th, 9pm, Axis presents Amber singing her hits “One More Night,” “This is Your Night,” and others. DJs Ron Thomas and Dawna Montel from Groove 103.1 will also be in the house. Axis is at 652 N La Peer Dr. For more information, call Axis at (310) 659-0471.

Thursday to Saturday, April 30th to May 2nd, 10am-6pm, LAMG presents “MacFair LA ’98” at the Burbank Hilton, 2500 Hollywood Way. Exhibits are free if you volunteer, $12 if you pre-register before Friday, April 17th, or $20 at the door. For more information, call LAMG at (310) 319-1826.

Tuesday, May 5th, is Cinco de Mayo, which marks the victory of the Mexican Army over the French at the Battle of Puebla and has become a symbol of Mexican unity and patriotism (but has nothing to do w/ any kind of Mexican Independence Day).

Wednesday, May 6th, 8pm, “Absolutely Outrageous” comedians like Marga Gomez will be at the Improv, at 8162 Melrose Ave, two blocks west of Crescent Heights! Cover is $10 plus a two drink minimum, and all proceeds benefit Aid for AIDS. To reserve *your* seat, call (213) 651-2583.

Monday, May 11th, 7:30pm sharp, QMUG/LA presents “Hard Disk Maintenance and Organization,” everything you ever wanted or needed to know about HFS+, block sizes, and b-trees. You say, “What are HFS+, block sizes, and b-trees?” Attend this meeting, and you’ll know!

Saturday, May 16th, 1pm-3pm, QMUG/LA hosts its Spring ’98 Advisory Qouncil mtng to plan its July to December ’98 Qalendar. Have a topic you really want to see presented? Have a topic you really want to present? Then you really want to attend this meeting!

Saturday to Sunday, May 16th-17th, 11am-10pm, Long Beach Pride ’98 kicks off Pride Season. Be there for the Parade on Sunday. For more information, call them at (562) 987-9191.

And, Sunday, May 17th, the world takes a moment to honor its 15th annual International Candlelight Vigil and Mobilization Against AIDS. Keep your eyes out for the location near you!


And directly from Apple:

“Apple is soliciting customer feedback on how dealers are meeting customer needs. I know that many of your have had good and bad experiences out there that you may want to share with Apple about your shopping experiences. You can do so at”


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--------=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-------- QMUG/LA --------=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--------
the Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual Macintosh User’s Group for all of Los Angeles
Meets the 2nd Monday of each month, 7:30pm * LA Gay & Lesbian Center
* An Officially Registered and Recognized Apple Macintosh User Group *
Since June 1994 * * * (323) 222-QMUG

All pages are © QMUG/LA 1996-2003.